Craystone website design. Craystone website design.

Craystone website design.

Craystone website design - creating the design that's right for you!

Awards:- Bolton and Bury Success Through E-Business 2000
At the annual Bolton and Bury Business Awards, 2000, held in June at Bolton's Reebox Stadium, Craystone were proud to receive an award, 'Success Through E-Business'.  This award was sponsored by British Telecom, and was presented by BT's representative on the night, Success Through E-Business 2000 Trophy.Suzanne Ellison.Glenn Jones, Suzanne Ellison (from BT), Chris Greeney

"Success Through E-Business was awarded to the company which has used E-commerce to bring about fundamental and profitable changes, either inside or outside the business."

The annual awards provide a showcase of achievements in recognition of innovation and enterprise by growing businesses in Bolton and Bury.  The gala night showcased 15 categories and proved extremely popular, offering an entertaining and exciting evening organised in association with Henderson Grime and Associates.

At Craystone, we believe that the knowledge and experience recognised at the awards, should be put to great use by offering a website design service to interested clients, and also for further development of our own website. A great deal of interest has arisen since the awards presentation, and numerous other plans and designs are currently being worked on.

Click here for a word-for-word, article from the Bolton Evening News.

Interested? Get on the web with Craystone now, the only regret you'll have is not contacting us sooner.

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Craystone website design. Craystone website design.