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Viking Memory For YouMemory Upgrade Quotation Form
To find the exact upgrade paths and memory modules for your system, please fill in all of the request form below, click the Send Form button, and we will contact you with a quotation for your requirements.
ktclogo.gif (1943 bytes)You will be quoted from the Kingston or Viking range of memory products.  These modules come with a lifetime warranty and are guaranteed 100% compatible.
Simply fill in the form below and press SEND.  It's as easy as that.  Please be aware that * is a required field.


If Other, please state:


I want to upgrade my system memory to:

What memory do you currently have?:

Other Information:

First Name:





Email Address:

Type of Sale?:

What part of the world are you in?:

After pressing send, this page will re-load.
Thanks for your time.